Saturday 2 July 2011

Gosling Attacked by Dog Inside the Pond Fence

My wife and I have been watching the three goslings at the eastern pond since they were born a few months ago. When they were very small they would cut across the footpath to eat the grass, while their mother waited inside the fence by the pond. Dogs would occasionally come running toward them but they'd always scamper back inside the fence before the dogs could get them.

Recently they've gotten too big to get through the fence, so the park rangers bring them grass to feed on. We saw a ranger feeding the goslings earlier this week, but there were only two goslings. He said a dog had slipped through the fence and attacked the gosling, tearing up its side. He didn't know if it was going to be okay or not. It had been taken somewhere for medical care. 

He told us that dogs get into the pond and attack the birds all the time, and there's very little the rangers can do -- to prevent it or respond after the fact. He sounded extremely frustrated by the whole thing.